Sunday, October 26, 2014

Is this a Miracle or What??!! (Week 40)

WE GOT TWENTY LESSONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND 3 NEW ENGAGES!!!!!!!!!!! AND WE FIXED 10 RDV'S WITH PEOPLE ON THE STREET!!!!!! (Is this a miracle or WHAT!!)
Car Selfie
Oh so the subject line this week! Soeur Gerritsen and I have quickly learned that English and American are completely different languages. Soeur Jackson will be talking about push-chairs and cling film and wind screens and flippin noras and Soeur Gerritsen and I stare at each other in confusion. I think Sr Jackson says "oh crums" at least 20 times a day. Its the most adorable thing on the planet. Also my English accent is definitely improving ;)

ANYWAY this was one of the most amazing weeks of my entire mission. There were so many miracles flooding all over the place that we didn't even know what to do with ourselves.
So this Thursday our ENTIRE ZONE came to town to work for a few hours. It was absolutely INSANE. I have never even heard of something like this happening where 30 missionaries all work in the same city.. Let me just say that we are definitely ON FIRE. In the 4 hours (ish) that everyone was working we had 150 conversations and 15 lessons with people on the street, 8 RDV's fixed, 3 less active lessons, 15 phone numbers received, 4 member visits and 18 MEMBER REFERRALS! I have never seen a ward with so much excitement for missionary work in my whole. entire. life. Not to mention that we're in France!! The work is hastening so fast I can hardly catch my breath to keep up with it all!!

List of referrals from the members. Beautiful thing.
Our zone motto is one word (in Tahitian): TAHOE! It means unity! Our entire zone prays for each other every night at 10 pm and we are working towards the same goals together. I've never seen a zone so united. And you know what is so good about being united? We see MIRACLES because of it. 4 equipes in our zone taught 20 lessons this week!!! Not to mention the unity in our branch to do missionary work is astounding! And I think the miracles we see in the branch are evident!
Ok Soeur Gerritsen is probably in my top 5 funniest people I know. We pee our pants laughing basically every single day.
Sr Gerritsen likes to translate expressions directly from English to French - which of course doesn't normally work. The other day she was trying to figure out how to say "what the heck" and said "quoi l'enfer"... Not quite right hahahaha Sr Jackson and I died.
Another day she was "experimenting" with food in the kitchen.. She got some left over chicken noodle soup, added paprika, onion and garlic flakes, white pepper, and then to top it all of poured balsamic vinegar all over it. I gave her this look like "what in the world did you just do"....she took a bite and looked up at me and she's like "i'm pretty sure this is the grossest thing I've ever tasted" hahahaha I love her
Our baby's first McDonald's trip outside of America
We set up a RDV to meet with our ami Gashi (he's Albanian and doesn't speak perfect French but he is one of the sweetest, most sincere people! So when he showed up to the RDV he had brought his friend with him who apparently WANTS TO BE BAPTIZED TOO. Ok seriously though how often does that happen? We are stoked! (Also just so happens that President's son speaks Albanian and we are going to set up Skype RDV's so they can be taught in their own language!)
Giovanni is in Chambéry this week so we haven't seen him. :( We also haven't heard from him either because I'm pretty sure his phone is broken...... (It's went to voice mail everytime we've called him in the past few days.) Pray for him! Every day!
This week while we were teaching Nathan (the 9 year old) I had the most over-whelming spiritual confirmation of 8 being the age of accountability. He understands so well why we are baptized and why Jesus Christ is so important. The pure testimony of that little boy touched me. He is wonderful! His baptism is set for December 13th. :)
Prettiest village ever.
Real quick! Gerard! This really nice guy from the Congo! He loves having us over to talk about God and he even accepted a baptismal date for November 29th!!! We just need to make sure he understands that this is the ONLY true church. But I think he can get there. And his family. :)
More of the prettiest village ever

Honestly there is so much we did and so many people we saw this week that there's pretty much nothing left to say! Life is wonderful and my health is doing GREAT. I feel completely normal again and I have never been so grateful in my entire life for how I feel.

This week I had an amazing experience as I was randomly reading section 6 of D&C. I felt like God was talking directly to me.

14 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, blessed art thou for what thou hast done; for thou hast inquired of me, and behold, as often as thou hast inquired thou hast received instruction of my Spirit. If it had not been so, thou wouldst not have come to the place where thou art at this time.
I know this is where Heavenly Father wants me to be and I am so glad that I stuck it out through those 6 months to be here. There is no where else I would rather be because I know this is where I am meant to be. I am so grateful for the Spirit who guides and directs my life and helps me feel the immense love that God has for me and each of His children.
The church is true!! And if you already know that it's true, tell everyone you know!! Let's save souls.

Soeur Everett

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