Wednesday, March 12, 2014

"Mangez-vous are like boyfriends. Sometimes you get them and then realize you never wanted them." -Sr. Bagley (Week 37)

(Note: "Mangez-vous" means dinner appointments.)
Good news is that by the end of the week I was feeling MUCH better and we ended up being able to see tons of people this weekend!!

Also side note: I just adore Soeur Bagley.... She is an absolute angel and I have so much fun with her! I'm so so so so glad we're together for another transfer. :)

artsy :) finally didn't have to wear tights this week!! whoohoo!

We had some super great moments this week. On Thursday we finally got to go over to the Hennebique's to eat!! (Sr. Hennebique is an AMAZING cook..ooh myy gooodnesss). We were dying of happiness the entire time. She made us this SUPER good quiche - couldn't even tell you what was in it, and then homemade bolognaise spaghetti - oh my heck so good. Then they just gave us chocolate and more chocolate (and extra chocolate to bring home with us haha). We got to see Frère Hennebique's hundreds of birds and then Soeur Hennebique's 30+ dogs... its a mad house over there. But they love it. :)

Frère Hennebique raises birds! this one is my favorite :)

We also got to go to lunch with Aline this week!! It was so fun for us to be in a 50's diner feel place! Felt like we were home in America. :) Afterwards we go to pay and Aline pays for ALL OF IT. We were shocked... we know what its like to be in college!! Poverty!!! Soeur Bagley even hid money in her car because she felt so bad (haha I love her). But Sunday we found the money in my purse - Aline is so sneaky.. hahaha.

aline took us to lunch!!! might have been my favorite moment of the week :)

We finally got to see Vako again this week!! He is doing super well!! We had a Word of Wisdom lesson with him because we saw on his fiche that he has had problems with it in the past. He was super super willing to give it a try. He realizes that he needs to stop smoking and drinking coffee, and he knows that its worth it so that he can be baptized! He's so awesome! Hopefully we can help him keep it up!

Soeur Sa Oliviera! She is so awesome - we love her!

We went and visited Soeur Sa Oliviera this week too! I think we came at the right time because she told us how lonely she had been and how she wished that she got more visitors. She made us the best chocolate cake I've ever had in my entire life (tasted almost like a brownie). Sooooo good. We might have to request it again haha. She is just so strong and a joy to be around. She has only been a member for a few years, none of her family are members, and she's been having a super hard time with personal and health problems lately, but she keeps going! We love her!

they fooled me... i thought i found mountain dew in france

Saturday was basically the best day ever. We had so many rdv's and so much success! (And I made it through the entire day without feeling exhausted!!!!) We had lunch with Aline this day (eee!) and afterwards we had a rdv with Angela (Julienne's friend). It was SO GOOD. Julienne is incredible. She shared her entire conversion story (I'll have to tell you about it later, its really really cool.) And she related exactly to Angela! Angela is about 60 and she is really serious about being in line with God's will. She doesn't want to go joining a random church, she wants to make sure it is what God really wants her to do (which is exactly how Julienne was too). I love how passionate she is when she testifies - the spirit just burns in the room. (No wonder she is a ward missionary, seriously. She is such a blessing.)

seriously... the visconti's are so funny. love them!

After Angela we went and visited Paqueline and then realized we still had about 30 minutes until our rdv at Sr. Alibert just down the street. We both felt that we should stop by Sr. Biamont, so we did! When we got up in her apartment we realized that she had her parents visiting from out of town - at first we felt bad because we thought we were intruding.. but Sr. Biamont was beaming to have us there with them! Probably because they aren't members and they have their skepticisms about the church. We shared the story of Alma and Alma the Younger when Alma's prayer to help his son was answered. (Mosiah 27:14). It really touched them and it was super good for them to see what we can learn from the Book of Mormon! Successful prompting followed :)

Ah Sunday was so fun. It was mission-wide "E-day" (Endear day - when we endear the members!) We KILLED it. We memorized every members name (even the kids haha) and we made 100 chocolate chip cookies - the elders made treats too, just not nearly as good.. ;) The ward was SO happy - they were in love with us! They kept saying "Vous nous gatez!" Man, our ward is the best seriously.

Haha this email was all over the place, sorry about that! Hopefully you still get the gist of what happened this week! Things are going well! We're hoping that we can get Michael and Ephrem's baptisms figured out for this transfer! Probably won't happen this week though. Soon!! Keep praying for our amis! Prayer works!

Well family, I love you so much! I think about you all the time and talk about you all the time too. :) You're the best!!

xoxoxo Soeur Everett

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